LES pays
All the countries finishing by “E”(in french)
are feminine
ex.: - LA France
-LA Malaisie
Exceptions:- LE Mexique -LE Cambodge
- LE Mozambique -LE Zimbabwe
All the countries finishing by “S”(in french)
are plurial
ex.:-LES Etats-Unis
-LES Philippinnes
If the countrydoesn’t finish by “E” or “S”,
you use “L’”, it’s masculine
-LE Canada
If the country finishes by a vovel, you
use “L’”, whatever the gender
ex. :- L’Allemagne ex.:- L’Aghanistan
- L’Italie - L’Iran
- L’Espagne
- L’Inde
7 pays n’ont pas d’article:
-Chypre -Haïti -Israël
-Madagascar -Malte -Singapour