Thursday, 22 November 2012

les pays (countries)

LES pays
All the countries finishing by “E”(in french) are feminine        
 ex.: - LA France                   
         -LA Malaisie                                             

               Exceptions:- LE Mexique              -LE Cambodge
                                       - LE Mozambique     -LE Zimbabwe


All the countries finishing by “S”(in french) are plurial
ex.:-LES Etats-Unis 
        -LES Philippinnes

If the countrydoesn’t finish by “E” or “S”, you use “L’”, it’s masculine
 ex.:-LE Pakistan
        -LE Canada

If the country finishes by a vovel, you use “L’”, whatever the gender
 ex. :- L’Allemagne                      ex.:- L’Aghanistan                                      
        - L’Italie                                       - L’Iran
        - L’Espagne                                                                                                           
        - L’Inde                                                                                                                                                                        

7 pays n’ont pas d’article:

-Cuba                          -Chypre                -Haïti                     -Israël                                                           -Madagascar           -Malte                  -Singapour



Friday, 9 November 2012

            The process of writing
              Guidance for students

·       Read to strengthen your writing skills
·       Do background research for your own stories by reading .
·       While writing a story, break it down into five basic components .
1.    Main character: create his/her personality
2.    Setting: where does he live .
3.    Conflict : main event – a twist
4.    Climax : main obstacle
5.    Resolution: resolve matters-ending .

·       Plan a chronology for your story ,think of everything about your settings and the character ;even the things you are not going to write.
·       Plan everything about your character . go deep into your main character’s heart . …..where was she/ he born ,does she / he have any fear / phobia , does she bite her nails-when ….
·       Be imaginative and be free ,this is  your story.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

la baguette/l'euro

Le pain et l’argent


Le pain français s’appelle comment? Le pain français s’appelle la baguette

Le pain pakistanais s’appelle comment?Le pain pakistanais s’appelle le naan


La devise française s’appelle comment?La devise française s’appelle l’euro

ᴥLa devise pakistanaise s’appelle comment?ᴥLa devise pakistanaise s’appelle la roupie